What is Colon Cancer, its types, and its causes?

Colon Cancer

When cells in your rectum and large intestine proliferate out of control, colon cancer results. The kind and stage of colon cancer can affect the course of treatment.

If colon cancer develops, various treatments can help in its treatment. Radiation therapy, surgery, and drugs such as immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy are among the treatments.

Suppose you are living in New Britain, CT, and facing a diagnosis of colon cancer i. In that case, it’s essential to explore the possible treatment opportunities in your area, such as colon cancer New Britain CT, to access the most appropriate care and support for your needs.

We will explore the symptoms and causes of colon cancer in the following Content.

What are the Main Symptoms of Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer can strike a person without showing any signs. Even if you do have symptoms, you might not be sure that the changes you’re seeing are indicative of colon cancer. This is due to the fact that certain signs of colon cancer can also be found in less severe illnesses.

Typical signs of colorectal cancer include:

Blood in your stool 

If you observe blood in the toilet after you defecate or wipe, or if the color of your excrement appears dark or brilliant red, see a healthcare professional. It’s crucial to keep in mind that having blood in your faeces does not indicate colon cancer.

Other factors, such as consuming beets, anal tears, or hemorrhoids, can also alter your poop’s appearance. Nevertheless, it’s best to consult a medical professional when you notice blood in or on your stool.

Persistent changes in your bowel habits 

Talk to a doctor if you have persistent constipation or diarrhea or if you feel as if you still need to stool after the bathroom.

Abdominal pain

If you feel severe or persistent stomach pain that has no apparent reason, see a doctor. Various factors can cause belly discomfort, but if it seems out of the ordinary or occurs frequently, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Bloated stomach

It is similar to stomach pain; numerous factors might cause bloating. If your bloated stomach persists for more than a week, gets worse, or you experience other symptoms like vomiting or blood in or on your stool, see a doctor.

Unexplained weight loss

This is a clear drop in your body weight when you’re not in need of losing weight.


Talk to a doctor if you feel vomiting periodically for no reason or if you vomit a lot in 12 hours.

Fatigue and feeling short of breath

When you feel severe fatigue or shortness of breath for no reason, it can be a sign of colon cancer. Also, anemia is a sign of colon cancer.

What causes colon cancer?

Genetic mutations are inherited or acquired, and they can be the cause of cancer. Although they raise your risks, these mutations do not ensure that you will get colon cancer.

Specific mutations may lead to the accumulation of aberrant cells in the colon’s lining, which can result in polyps. These are benign, microscopic growths.

However, polyps can develop into cancer if left untreated. Surgery to remove these growths may be a preventative step.

Transgender Health and Colon Cancer

Research about lower rates of colorectal cancer screening among the trans population is slightly surprising, as colon cancer screening includes organs not related to biology. If you live in Florida, then you cannot ignore transgender healthcare tampa fl, where trans individuals can get quality care and screening for colon cancer and some other health issues.