rajkotupdates.news : government may consider levying tds tcs on cryptocurrency trading


With the rising popularity of cryptocurrency trading in India, the government is considering levying TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) and TCS (Tax Collected at Source) on these transactions. This move aims to regulate the market and prevent tax evasion, but it has also raised concerns among traders and investors. In this blog post, we will explore what TDS and TCS are, how they will affect cryptocurrency trading, their pros and cons, as well as other countries that have implemented similar measures. Join us in diving into this hot topic!

What is TDS and TCS?

TDS and TCS stand for Tax Deducted at Source and Tax Collected at Source, respectively. These are modes of collecting tax from the income received or paid by an individual or a company. In TDS, a certain percentage of tax is deducted from the total amount payable while making payments to contractors, employees, or service providers.

On the other hand, in TCS, a seller collects a certain percentage of tax from the buyer on specific transactions like sale of goods or services. The collected amount is then deposited with the government as advance tax.

The Indian government has proposed to levy TDS and TCS on cryptocurrency trading to regulate this market and prevent any potential misuse for money laundering or tax evasion purposes. This move aims to bring transparency into these transactions and ensure that taxes are being paid correctly.

However, some traders fear that these measures may increase their compliance burden and discourage investment in this emerging field. Only time will tell how effective these new regulations will be in regulating cryptocurrency trading in India.

How will this affect cryptocurrency trading?

The proposed move to levy TDS and TCS on cryptocurrency trading in India is expected to have a significant impact on the market. Firstly, it will increase the compliance burden for traders and exchanges as they will be required to deduct taxes at source and deposit them with the government.

Secondly, this move may discourage some investors from entering into cryptocurrency trading altogether due to increased taxation. This could lead to a decrease in demand for cryptocurrencies, which may result in a drop in their prices.

On the other hand, this could also lead to better regulation of the market as more traders are brought under the tax net. The government would have greater oversight of transactions happening within the ecosystem, potentially reducing instances of money laundering or illegal activities.

While it remains unclear how exactly this move will affect cryptocurrency trading in India, it is safe to say that there will be both positive and negative impacts. It remains important for traders and investors alike to stay informed about any regulatory developments in order make informed decisions about their investments.

What are the pros and cons of this move?

The government’s move to consider levying TDS and TCS on cryptocurrency trading has its own set of pros and cons. Let us take a look at some of them.

Firstly, implementing this tax system can help the government generate revenue from the rapidly growing cryptocurrency market. This could be a significant source of income for the government, especially in times where traditional sources of revenue are drying up.

However, it may also discourage investors from entering the market due to additional fees and taxes. As a result, there could be a decrease in trade volume which could impact liquidity within the market.

One potential benefit of introducing these regulations is that they could lead to greater transparency and regulation within the cryptocurrency space. By requiring traders to disclose their transactions through TDS/TCS filings, authorities will have more visibility into how cryptocurrencies are being utilized.

On the flip side, many argue that imposing taxes on an unregulated asset class like cryptocurrencies could create confusion among traders who may not know if they need to comply with both existing tax laws as well as any new crypto-specific policies implemented by regulators.

While levying TDS/TCS on cryptocurrency trading may appear beneficial for generating revenue and promoting transparency, it also carries certain risks such as reduced trade volumes and increased confusion among traders. Ultimately only time will tell if this move proves successful or not.

What other countries have done this?

Several countries have already implemented or proposed similar measures to levy taxes on cryptocurrency trading. In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treats cryptocurrencies as property and requires capital gains taxes to be paid on any profits earned from their sale. Additionally, some states in the US also impose sales tax on cryptocurrency transactions.

In Japan, a law was passed in 2017 that required cryptocurrency exchanges to register with the Financial Services Agency (FSA) and pay taxes on their earnings. South Korea has also implemented regulations for crypto exchanges that require them to pay income tax and corporate tax.

In Europe, countries such as France and Germany have proposed implementing EU-wide regulations for cryptocurrencies, which may include taxation policies. Switzerland is another country that has taken steps towards regulating cryptocurrencies by requiring businesses dealing with digital assets to register with the Swiss financial regulator FINMA.

It seems that many countries are recognizing the need for regulation and taxation of cryptocurrencies as they become more mainstream in global finance. However, approaches differ between nations depending on their regulatory frameworks and economic priorities.

How will this affect the cryptocurrency market in India?

The proposed move by the Indian government to levy TDS and TCS on cryptocurrency trading is likely to have a significant impact on the crypto market in India. Firstly, it could deter some investors from entering the market due to increased costs associated with these taxes.

Moreover, this move may also lead to a decrease in trading volumes as traders look for alternatives that are not subject to such taxes. This could result in reduced liquidity and increased volatility in the Indian crypto market.

On the other hand, some experts believe that this move may actually bring more legitimacy and stability to the crypto market as it would be seen as being regulated by the government. Additionally, it may help prevent money laundering practices associated with unregulated cryptocurrencies.

However, only time will tell how this move will play out and whether or not it will help or hinder growth of the cryptocurrency industry in India.


To sum up, the Indian government’s decision to consider levying TDS and TCS on cryptocurrency trading has both pros and cons. On one hand, it could help regulate the market and prevent tax evasion while also generating revenue for the government. On the other hand, it may discourage investors from entering the market or drive them towards unregulated exchanges.

It is important to note that this proposal is still in its early stages and there may be changes made before any final decisions are taken. However, if implemented effectively with proper guidelines in place, it could have a positive impact on India’s growing cryptocurrency market.

As always with new regulatory measures, only time will tell how effective they are at achieving their intended goals. For now though, cryptocurrency traders and enthusiasts will need to keep an eye on further developments from the Indian government regarding this matter.