Leaving Traditional Behind and Going Digital. What Exactly The Future Is?


Digital market has taken over the traditional market in a very short period of time.  It has rapidly increased its presence in the market by showing tremendous results to companies. After knowing its benefits and innovative features many companies have already shifted their further strategies with it and already left traditional methods.

Let us understand in brief about them.

Traditional Marketing

It is used since long ago and has provided a base for many companies in marketing. This method consists of only one strategy for making brand promotion and that is printing. This can be done through newspapers and making banner hoardings but it requires a huge investment in making them. This is not possible for every marketer to promote their brand by this method. Due to this reason, many small companies didn’t get awareness in the market and they lack visibility. No presence in front of customers leads to no sales and this is the main reason that many companies have shattered down and have no way to come back. Traditional marketing is now slowly getting ignored by marketers.

Then comes the entry of a new technological and advanced method which is digital marketing.

Digital Marketing

It is an innovative method used for the promotion of brands and products in the online market with the help of the internet and digital devices. It has recently been used by every small and large company to create their brand awareness in the market. Within a very less time, it has overcome traditional marketing methods and has also provided huge benefits and profit to marketers.

Digital market and traditional markets are opposite to each other.  Digital market consists of many benefits and techniques as compared to traditional that’s why everyone is leaving traditional and going towards digital.

Let’s discuss some comparisons between tradition & digital markets and understand their techniques.

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Comparison between Digital and Traditional Markets

  • The digital market is a cost effective method. It requires a very minimal amount to make a promotion through it. On the other hand, the traditional market is a very expensive method; here huge investment is required to promote a brand in the market.
  • Digital marketing makes greater exposure for your product in the market through various channels that have visibility worldwide. Whereas traditional can be limited within an area or society.
  • Digital marketing consists of numerous strategies to make promotion of products in different ways and also have tactics to increase traffic on your site like search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing, and pay per click methods. On the other hand, traditional method has only one option available to make a promotion which is printing in newspapers and banner.
  • Digital market consists of an advanced method which has tracking records through google analytics tools which means how many customers have visited, viewed or which product is more in demand everything you can check. Whereas in traditional there is no such option available.
  • Digital marketing does not have a particular time to access any website, you can use it anytime 24/7 as per your comfort. But in traditional you have a particular time that is why many potential customers were lost by marketers at that time.

What next?

Yesterday we attended a digital marketing conference held by Delhi Courses & according to them it’s very much clear that digital marketing has a lot of advantages over traditional marketing. These advantages include affordability, research, tracking & re-targeting methods. These advantages make digital marketing wins over traditional marketing methods.

The future is all about digital marketing. We’re not saying that it’s an end for traditional marketing. Traditional marketing will be with us forever. It has its own advantages but through digital marketing, it is very easy to make a brand in a short time period & in a very affordable budget.

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Is It Ends Here?

But the story does not end here. We got understood that we need digital marketing today if we really want to make a brand. But the question is how? How to apply digital marketing strategies to our business & products. Shall we hire a digital marketing company or a dedicated digital marketing expert for the company or a freelance digital marketer? We can hire any of them according to our budget but the thing is who’ll guide them about what to do & who’ll check about what they’re doing is right or not.

Digital marketing is good but doing it in the wrong direction can spoil your brand reputation. It has been seen many times that many digital marketing companies do not make full efforts & also make fake promises to their clients for the sake of money.


To avoid all of these things happening to your brand you must know all the aspects of the digital marketing industry. For this, you can learn digital marketing. Learning digital marketing is not that difficult & you can learn it easily. You just need to have a good mentor. Many online training services are available free of cost. Like Google digital marketing course is one of the best solutions for this.

Google has a dedicated platform to learn digital marketing which absolutely free of cost. You can join that program & can learn digital marketing. You can also use services like Udemy & Coursera or any other video course platforms which are very-very affordable or can also go for classroom or online digital marketing courses.

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