15 App Marketing Techniques for User Growth

App Marketing

Let’s say that you’ve launched an amazing app for education that is similar to Duolingo. The goal of your app is to provide high-quality education to all by harnessing tech’s power.

We’re happy for your achievements. However, before your app is able to be a success in the field of education, storm, there’s just a small part you’ll have to do getting your app in people’s hands. intended users.

Let me assure you that it’s not a simple feat. With over 5 billion apps available on App Store as well as Google Play, how can make sure that your application stands out?

This is the point where app marketing comes into play.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss 15 proven methods for app marketing to gain users and boost the success of your app. So, let’s get started.

The Top 15 Verified App Marketing Tactics to Increase User Acquisition

Making sure you have covered all bases with a thorough market analysis as well as competitor analysis and creating a well-constructed product is crucial. After that, here are the most effective strategies for marketing your app that you can use to create the largest number of users of your product.

1. Focus on App Store Optimization (ASO)

Many people utilize the search feature to find apps in app stores. Search engines on app stores function similarly to Google. They are created to rank apps on the basis of relevant keywords used in user searches. The higher your app gets the greater exposure it will be exposed to new users.

ASO refers to the procedure of improving your app’s description as well as metadata, titles and screenshots using the appropriate keywords to boost its popularity in the app store. Through the use of strategic keyword placement and relevant photos, you will boost organic traffic, and ultimately drive more downloads.

The well-known meditation app, Headspace does a brilliant job using ASO by including keywords like “sleep,” “stress,” “mindfulness exercises” etc. in their app’s description and titles. This will ensure that the app can be easily discovered by their intended users.

2. Create a web page to promote your application

A dedicated landing page that concisely explains your app’s capabilities is always for your benefit. It acts as a “showcasing podium” for your app, highlighting its features advantages, features, and functions in a clear and appealing manner.

Be sure that your site is mobile-friendly and provides smooth navigation. It is a good idea to incorporate social proofs like testimonials from users and app store ratings and reviews to increase confidence. Also, don’t forget include a compelling call to action that will inspire actions.

This Spendee app, a tool for managing your money and personal financial matters, is an excellent illustration of what the landing page for an app should be like a beautiful two-tone layout, large photos from the application, short text, lots of social proof, and enticing CTAs.

3. Invite users to look over your app

The majority of people depend on user reviews to determine what they think of any application. If your app is rated highly and has favorable reviews and scores, the people you want to reach will be more inclined to install the app.

Make it easier for users to take a look at your application by sending a request when they are most active. Provide incentives such as the gift of an upgrade, a voucher or a chance to enter the draw for prizes to those who rate the app. Additionally, you could consider the possibility of a button that will direct users directly to the app’s listing and make it simpler for them to read.

You may also reach out to professional reviewers for an additional, more reliable opinion.

4. Make the most of video

Create engaging and informative videos that highlight the application’s benefits, features and use cases. Upload these videos to app stores, along with platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. This will draw the attention of your user, and encourage the user to sign up for your application.

This MS Office app video is an absolute winner due to its straightforward and clever graphic design and clean script. It is a stunning showcase of the capabilities of the suite of applications that convince viewers to click on the button to download.

5. Make sure you invest in content marketing

Making informative and relevant content for your app will assist you in attracting organic traffic. Know your audience’s needs and issues and address these through enlightening blog posts, webinars, eBook information, podcasts and many more.

This is why, as a brand expert who has recently graduated states, companies must constantly interact with their customers in order to build their character and to make their products attractive. This will aid in helping your brand establish credibility on the internet and attract customers with an interest in your application.

The app that helps you learn languages, Duolingo, has built an impressive online presence via its blog. The company frequently publishes educational blogs about language learning strategies as well as cultural perspectives and platform updates to draw and keep users.

6. Have a social media presence

It is among the most popular strategies used by app marketers to attract users. With more than 4.95 billion people utilizing social media, being active on social media will allow your business to reach more people display your app’s features, and connect with potential users naturally.

Start by identifying what platforms have the highest popularity that you can use for customers. Develop compelling content that highlights your app’s USP or conduct targeted advertising campaigns and work with influencers to promote your app and encourage downloads.

TikTok has recently emerged as a well-known platform for promoting apps. Peloton is a fitness app, has gained a lot of attention through TikTok through collaboration with fitness influencers as well as posting inspiring workout videos. This led to an increase in app downloads as well as user engagement.

7. Create guest blogs on well-known websites

Create guest blogs for influential websites that are relevant to your app’s field. Share valuable insights and showcase your expertise in the field by posting informative, high-quality blogs that your users might like to read.

As a reward for your expertise You’ll also be able to share the information about your app with a brand new potential audience. You’ll receive backlinks that send users back to your app and help you gain potential users.

If, for instance, you’ve got a gaming app it is possible to write an informative and interesting blog about ‘the latest gaming trends and strategically include an url to the landing page of your mobile app.

8. Start an affiliate program

A Referral program rewards existing customers to encourage their family and friends for the apply. This is among the most effective, yet oldest advertising strategies for apps that benefits both the app’s users and the business, much similar to affiliate marketing.

Rewards may vary from in-app credits for free to discounts or coupons encouraging new user acquisition as well as enhancing user engagement.

The well-known grocery ordering service, Instacart, excels with an appealing app referral program. The program allows customers who refer friends to get a credit of $10 when the person they refer to makes their first purchase.

9. Utilize email marketing

Email marketing is an excellent method of promoting your mobile application to potential customers who have previously shown enthusiasm for your app. It is possible to create specific email campaigns that include personalized content, exclusive app offers, and other rewards to encourage downloads.

Regular updates about the latest features will help to keep existing users interested and enthusiastic about your product. For example, Uber Eats excellently leverages email marketing to attract its app customers with discount vouchers and other promotions.

10. You can run App Store advertisements

App Store advertisements are ads with text that are available in both the Apple App Store or Play Store and assist in improve the visibility of. They’re basically similar to running PPC ads using Google Ads. This is a paid method which can put your application in front of an enormous audience.

Programmatic advertisements On the contrary, use the power of artificial intelligence (AI) along with real-time bidding (RTB) to streamline the process of buying ads. This technique is extremely efficient, which allows targeted and precise budget allocation. RTB is an auction-like process that allows companies to bid for impressions in milliseconds. This ensures that your advertisements are seen by the correct target audience at the appropriate moment.

Here are some ads that you could choose from:

Pay-per-Install (PPI): You pay each time a user installs your application from the advertisement.

Pay-Per-Action (PPA): You pay for each time that users perform specific actions within the app, like signing up or making purchases.

Geo-Targeting Shows ads to users who are in a specific geographic location, with specific requirements.

11. Leverage influencer marketing to leverage

Collaboration with influential people through social media, or industry experts can dramatically improve your app’s credibility as well as visibility. These influencers will promote the app’s features to their loyal followers, which increases awareness and increases downloads.

Search for micro-influencers who are aligned with your ideal group of followers. Be sure to select an influencer who is known for his authority and has a large number of engaged followers.

For instance, the well-known game for mobile, Fortnite was partnered with renowned gamers PewDiePie as well as Ninja to promote the application and encourage the acquisition of new users. The influencers made captivating video games featuring Fortnite and created a massive buzz about the game.

12. Offer app trials for free Giveaways, contests and giveaways

There aren’t many customers who would purchase your software without a no-cost trial. The majority of people want to try your app before making a decision to purchase it. Thus, giving a no-cost trial is essential. It is also possible to offer discount pricing to users following an initial trial, to help convert them to paying customers.

Furthermore, running giveaways and contests is an excellent method. You can advertise your application contests on various social media platforms and also offer prizes to generate buzz.

The app for meditation, Headspace, once again is a perfect example of this by hosting contests on occasion and promotions to draw new users as well as keep the existing users.

13. Create strategic app partnership

Another one of the most effective apps that promotes working with other businesses or apps in order to get a larger audience.

You could partner together with app creators from other companies to promote your app in a cross-promotion to their app users, while they promote your app in the same way. This strategy of mutual endorsement and promotion through providing exclusive discounts or joint discounts could assist in attracting new customers who are interested in similar services.

In the case of gaming, for instance, the application, Words with Friends, made use of Zynga’s player base from FarmVille. The game provided in-game rewards and promotions to those that downloaded the game, which resulted in a rapid growth of users.

14. Profit from Quora’s marketing

An under-utilized app marketing strategy A highly under-utilized app marketing strategy, the Quora platform has many advantages. With more than 300 million unique monthly users Quora can provide an ample amount of publicity to your application.

Choose questions that are relevant to the app industry and give informative answers to the subject. When you’ve already got responses to these questions on your website or in your app then repurpose them to address the issues. This will enable you to write concisely and increase your chances of being noticed.

15. Try the traditional methods of advertising

Traditional methods of advertising whether it’s printing advertising, telemarketing, billboards and even direct mail, are a great way to increase awareness of your application. In addition to digital marketing, these advertising channels have proven successful in terms of boosting business.

There are numerous renowned mobile conferences around the globe that let developers exhibit their services. Applications that target a larger market, such as games or shopping apps could use this approach to their advantage.

Nivea for instance, introduced an ingenuous and popular print media campaign featuring tear-out bracelets. It urged parents to wrap the bracelet on the wrist of their child and then install the Nivea Protect application to monitor their child’s movements in real time.

Concluding Remarks on User Acquisition and Marketing Strategies for Mobile Apps 

A well-thought-out mobile application marketing strategy is essential to the success of your app. Picking a couple of strategies from the above strategies and integrating them into a cohesive plan can go a long way in building a strong customer base.

Always test your strategies and track the results to make sure you’re investing in most effective apps and marketing strategies.

Growth Hackers is a mobile application agency for user acquisition helping companies from all over the world to grow. There’s no pretense when it comes to Growth Hackers. We aid entrepreneurs and business owners to implement effective strategies for app marketing that have proven to work for customer acquisition, boost their productivity, produce qualified leads, increase their conversion rates, collect and analyze data analytics, and acquire and keep users, and increase sales.

We go beyond branding and exposure. We ensure all strategies that we put in place help your company can grow, improve and be successful. If you’re also looking to take your company to rise to new levels, contact Growth Hackers now to talk the brand you have and develop a the perfect growth strategy for you. Just a few clicks away from taking your business to the next level.