A Foot Doctor and a Podiatrist Are Not the Same Things


A foot doctor and a podiatrist are not the same things, though many people are unaware of the difference. If you’re thinking about scheduling an appointment with your local podiatrist in Columbia MD, it’s important to understand that foot doctors and podiatrists have different scopes of practice and different education requirements. This article explains the distinctions between foot doctors and podiatrists so you can make the right choice when choosing your next physician or surgeon, who will be responsible for keeping your feet healthy and happy!

What is the difference between a podiatrist and a foot doctor?

If you are looking for someone to treat your foot problems, then it is important to know that these two professionals specialize in different fields. A podiatrist specializes in treating the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves in your feet. A foot doctor can also treat these things but they specialize more heavily in treating skin conditions related to the feet such as eczema or athlete’s foot.

What is the cost of treatment with both?

Columbia MD podiatrists are doctors that specialize in treating foot problems, including bunions, hammertoes, calluses, corns, and other conditions. Treatment by a Columbia MD podiatrist can be more expensive than treatment by a foot doctor because of their expertise. The cost for an initial appointment with a Columbia MD podiatrist is around $500 to $600, whereas treatment by an average foot doctor costs about $200 to $300.

Can you find doctors who will accept your insurance plan with both types of practitioners in your area?

Yes, there are some doctors who will accept your insurance plan regardless of whether they’re foot doctors or podiatrists. Check with your insurance provider to find out which providers in your area are able to provide services for you.

What are other things I should know before I make an appointment with either type of practitioner?

It is important to know what type of foot doctor or podiatrist you are seeing. A foot doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating only diseases of the feet, such as athlete’s foot or plantar warts. A podiatrist specializes in diagnosing and treating ailments of the lower extremities, including diabetic neuropathy, hammer toe, bunions, heel spurs, corns, calluses and ingrown toenails.


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