How Does IVF Help Infertile Couples?


In order to be able to conceive, a woman needs to be fertile and have a good ovulation cycle. The process is relatively painless and involves the insertion of a thin catheter through the vagina or cervix and into the uterus. The embryos will be inserted via this catheter at an early stage, typically at a two to eight-cell stage. The embryos will implant six to ten days after retrieval. The ovaries are still enlarged and may be swollen after the procedure. Some patients may experience discomfort, especially with vigorous activity.

Embryo transfer can help infertable couples achieve pregnancy by utilizing multiple embryos. Several embryos may be placed into the womb at the same time, which can result in twins or other multiples. The number of embryos transferred depends on the individual patient’s age and the type of infertility. Unused embryos can be frozen and donated later. Further, multiple embryos are often used to conceive twins, triplets, or even quadruplets.

Pre-implantation genetic testing is a laboratory procedure performed before embryo transfer. This procedure allows fertility specialists to screen embryos for genetic problems. The embryos should contain at least four cells at 48 hours after egg retrieval. If there are only two or three cells, the embryo is considered arrested and should not be transferred to the uterus. Pre-implantation genetic testing is available at clinics and doctors’ offices. The procedure takes about two to five days.

Sperm testing

Before deciding to undergo Infertility Treatment In Patna, it’s important to consider what your sexual habits might be causing your infertility. Fertility testing can help determine whether or not sperm are healthy enough to swim through the cervix. In general, the best results will be seen two to five days after your last ejaculation. Some fertility providers will also conduct blood tests to determine the fertility-related hormones in the couple. Genetic testing is also sometimes performed at the first fertility visit.

A doctor will collect the sperm sample from the man through masturbation on the day of egg collection. The procedure can take as little as 30 minutes or as long as an hour, depending on the number of eggs. The embryologist will then prepare the sperm specimen for IVF by washing it to increase motility. This process increases the chances of fertilization. The embryologist will then place the sample in a dish for the next IVF cycle.

If male infertility is a major contributing factor, the Best IVF Centre In Bihar doctor will suggest that you consider in vitro fertilization. The procedure is effective in overcoming severe cases of male infertility and is highly recommended for men with multiple fertility factors. Genetic testing and hormonal testing may also be recommended. If you are a man with a low sperm count, it can be a sign of a hormone imbalance or a physical blockage of the male tubes. The latter may also result in infertility. In many cases, sperm are not able to travel to the egg in the first place.


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