Teaching English and living abroad? Your most important TEFL questions answered


First of all, the demand for learning English is huge. There are about a billion English learners in the world. In many countries, the demand for English language students exceeds the demand. Students improve their English in many ways; they go to private language schools, learn English by phone, learn English in a workshop and take 1-1 English lessons. To meet this need, there is a constant need for English teachers; A online TEFL  Teaching English as a Foreign Language or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate is preferred. In other words, qualified English teachers are needed all over the world now and soon.

Below are 4 common questions that prospective EFL teachers at our language school ask.

I don’t have school. Can I learn English? The majority of English learners are uneducated. They come from all walks of life and professions. We have educated students, chefs, retired lawyers, nurses, principals, the list goes on. No educational background is required. A flexible and friendly personality helps. Although some countries require a degree to teach and strongly favor English speakers, this is not always the case as the TEFL world is so vast and diverse.

I don’t see myself teaching children in large classes.

 Should I do this? Although many people cannot imagine standing in front of a class; A good TEFL degree will prepare you well to teach successful classes. But don’t worry if teaching English isn’t for you. As mentioned, most students prefer the 1-1 format, especially business people, so you don’t have to teach large or small classes if you don’t want to. You can target the students you want to teach.

How to choose a TEFL course? There’s so many of them

You can take courses to learn English online, in class or even on weekends. The choice can be confusing. Your decision may depend on cost; A good online course costs around £200-£400, while a 4-week intensive course can cost around £1,000. It may depend on where you want to go. In English-speaking countries such as the USA, Canada and the UK, an intensive 4-week CELTA or Trinity program is usually recommended. Outside of these countries, an online course will get you far, but that doesn’t mean that all jobs are open to you. Whatever you choose, make sure you choose a stable, accredited supplier to ensure quality. The advantage of online learning is that you can combine your entire TESOL education with a specialized field, such as children’s studies, 1-1 or business, so you can specialize quickly and stand out from new results with just a general TESOL degree. and gives you a job benefit.

What are the options? What can I control?

Although it’s hard to be exact, you can generally expect to earn enough to live in Western Europe and live well by local standards in Eastern Europe. Some of the best are available in Japan, China and South Korea, as well as the best in the Middle East. Teaching English is not usually a source of great wealth, although it has other interesting effects. TEFL graduates have opened their own schools and licenses, created useful independent 1-1 student networks, written TEFL books, and become leaders. For example, if you want to see standard requirements, salaries and contracts for the country of your choice, type “TEFL jobs ” into the search engine. This simple research method will give you a good idea of ​​what to expect. A reputable the best TEFL courses online school should also be able to give you an overview and advice on the most suitable course for your desired internship. We advise many people this way every day. The attractiveness of TEFL is not limited to money and the opportunity to live abroad.


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